
11th August 2021

What Is Google Ads?

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is the largest Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising platform on the web, where advertisers bid to display their ads, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. In this article, we share some important Google Ads basics that are worth knowing if you are just getting started with paid search ads.

What Is Google Ads?

Google defines Google Ads as an “online advertising programme […] where you can create online ads to reach people at the exact moment when they're interested in the products and services that you offer.”

This can be through using Google to search the web, watching videos on YouTube, looking for places on Google Maps, using apps on Google Play and more.

When starting to use Google ads, some helpful resources include:

The Difference Between Paid And Organic Search Results

On Google search engine results pages (SERPs), there are two types of website listings - paid and organic. When a user searches on Google, they will see organic search results that match their query, as well as paid ads that - while also being very relevant to the query - companies have paid for so that their websites appear more prominently.

Identifying An Ad On Google

There are two sections of the SERPs where paid Google Ads can appear - one is above the organic links and the other is at the bottom of the results page. You will notice that the ads are denoted with an “Ad” label and that there are normally about three ads per section.

Google also offers Display Ads, which appear on the Google Display Network. The Display Network is made up of third-party websites that have partnered with Google and agreed to serve Google Ads in text, image, or video format – such as YouTube.

Why Use Google Ads?

PPC advertising is a worthwhile channel for B2B, B2C, non-profits, and other companies seeking quick, quality traffic and conversions. Thousands of businesses choose to advertise on

Google for many reasons, often based upon their unique targets and goals. Examples of such could be:

  • To promote your business
  • To help sell products or services
  • To raise brand awareness and increase traffic to your website

Here are six reasons that we believe make PPC advertising a worthwhile venture for many businesses: 

1. Google’s Consumer Reach

When people have a question that they need answering, their first stop is Google. Because of this, Google handles more than 5 billion searches a day! 
If you are appearing in the search results on Google, based upon people searching for solutions to their problems, then you can help them to answer their queries through your product or service. Paid advertising allows you to be at the forefront of what consumers are directly searching for.

2. Endless Targeting Options

It is important to utilise the targeting types suited to your business’s goals and targeted to your prospective audience personas. This could be by targeting keywords through text ads, focusing on specific audience demographics on the display network or perhaps even doing some remarketing based on past behaviours of your audience. 

By testing and trying out a mix, you can ensure you reach the full scope of those already exposed to your brand as well as new customers.

3. PPC Provides Measurable Results

PPC is measurable and trackable. You can look at metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions so you are able to see how your campaigns are performing and whether you are getting the required traffic and ROI from your budget.

4. Reaching People At A Key Point In The Customer Journey

A significant advantage that the search network has is being able to reach people who already intent to convert. PPC advertising via Google Ads allows you to advertise to people who are looking for something specific, and when your ad appears, it helps them find the answer instead of interrupting their online browsing experience.

5. You Don’t Have To Worry About A Small Budget

There's no minimum spending commitment with PPC ads, and you set and control your own budget – so you don’t have to miss out as an SME. You choose where your ad appears, set a budget that's comfortable for you, and easily measure the impact of your ad.

6. Works in Unison With Other Marketing Activities

Due to the direct path it paves to your desired landing pages, PPC can support many parts of the sales funnel.

For example, most businesses with a strong digital marketing strategy spend time on content marketing. PPC can provide the traffic to showcase this content. You could choose to advertise content downloads, seek newsletter signups, or push for app downloads. Furthermore, PPC and SEO work in unison as the impressions and opportunities for traffic often lie with the same audience: people searching on Google to find information, services, or products.

Read more: Would Your Business Benefit Most From PPC or SEO?

Resources To Use For Google Ads Paid Search Beginners

Here is a list of useful resources on the SilverDisc website for getting started with Google Ads:

For more help and advice, contact us online today or speak to our PPC marketing specialists on 01536 316100.

Discover More Google Advertising Tips, Guides and Best Practices

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