Is SEO Outsourcing Worth It?

Andy Pullen

30th August 2022

SEO is a fundamental part of a successful marketing campaign and can help optimise your content to ensure it reaches your target audience. However, SEO work can be demanding and daunting, so many companies hire an SEO agency to deliver and handle all of their SEO. 

SEO is so much more than just an integral part of a successful campaign; it plays a vital role in optimising your website to ensure it ranks highly in SERPS (search engine results pages). SEO covers everything from link building, keyword research, keyword ranking and content marketing, to technical SEO.  

To ensure the best SEO practices are followed and you’re covering every aspect to best optimise your website, product launch or campaign, your SEO strategy should outline objectives and a plan of action to achieve the best results. An SEO strategy is an important part of your marketing, and some organisations may not have the time or expertise, so outsourcing your SEO may be the best solution - but is it worth it? 

Signs you should outsource your SEO 

Lack of Time 

Completing and implementing every task in an SEO strategy requires a lot of time and effort. You may have time to send out the odd social media post, but the key to effective SEO is consistency across the board. If you want to fully maximise your campaigns, social media and landing pages, you need to post new SEO content regularly.  

Your business and team may be stretched too thin and need help to complete outstanding work, and that is where outsourcing work to a dedicated and experienced SEO company helps you to meet your deadlines.   

Lack of Knowledge 

If you’re going to do your own SEO, it’s crucial you have the knowledge and experience to do so. SEO can be very complex and challenging, so if you feel like you may be out of your depth, you may well be inadvertently doing more harm than good to your website.  

Many companies who look after their SEO in-house may not have the tools at their disposal to complete major SEO work. Tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs and Moz are our personal favourite as they help massively in areas such as keyword research, competitor positioning, and analysing web traffic, as well as highlighting errors that could be affecting your website. But not only do you need the know-how to be able to use these tools, they also come at a cost if you want to take advantage of their full features. 

Looking to scale 

Perhaps your business or agency has grown exponentially and you’re taking on lots of clients and customers, making it impossible to keep up with the workload. This is where an SEO agency can lend a hand, especially if you’re failing to meet deadlines. Outsourcing can help you to keep scaling up your business. 

Outsourcing your SEO to experts in their field can help your business to take on more work or clients. The major benefit of outsourcing is you won’t have to worry about falling behind competitors or trends – instead, you can take the next steps to help your business grow even further. It can also help your business stay consistent and ahead of tasks – and maybe even the competition. 

The benefits of outsourcing your SEO 

Faster results 

When outsourcing your SEO, work can begin immediately, instead of it being put behind the already mounting list of marketing tasks. Chances are you already have a functioning website that is gaining a fair amount of organic traffic. If so, an SEO agency can put a full strategy behind it and focus on a keyword strategy, lead generation and a content marketing strategy to help deliver the best results.   


One of the major advantages of outsourcing your SEO work is that it is cost-effective in the long run. If you’re thinking about taking it in-house, first consider the cost of training up your team, or paying salary for a full-time SEO if you were to hire someone. An SEO agency takes that out of the equation, and outsourcing will ultimately pay off tenfold. Choosing a good agency will allow you to have an efficient and optimised website, plus paying a flat rate for a retainer each month helps you better manage company finances. 

Comprehensive reports and analysis 

As mentioned, SEO experts have many tools at their disposal to analyse every single part of your website. Our personal favourites SEMRush, Moz and Ahrefs all differ in what they offer, but combined they are powerful tools to make sure no stone is left unturned. An SEO agency will have expert knowledge of these tools and will make recommendations to determine how SEO can improve your website and how your business goals may play a part in this. 

Stronger Marketing Strategy 

Many businesses make the mistake of simply writing content and hoping it generates more organic traffic and leads. This is where so many go wrong, but hiring an expert SEO agency that specialises in this area can create a strategy behind your website. Ensuring your SEO efforts are connected to email campaigns, social media and content is key, so that your entire digital marketing system is working in tandem. 

An SEO agency can also focus on important factors such as conversion rate optimisation, which overlaps with SEO. An agency will ensure layout, call to actions, links, images and content are present and positively affecting the overall user experience and conversion rates. 

There is so much an SEO agency can do help your business. At SilverDisc, our experts are on hand to help you deliver the best results possible. If you need help, we are more than happy to assist, and we specialise in many different areas of SEO, including: 

  • On-page SEO (content optimisation, keywords research) 

  • Off-page SEO (on-SERP SEO, improving backlinks) 

  • Technical SEO (HTML optimisation, improving the UX (user experience) 

  • Link building 

  • Website architecture 

  • Informational architecture (organising, structuring and labelling content in an effective way)  

  • Website maintenance (fixing 404 errors, broken links, missing descriptions) 

  • Research (keywords, competitors) 

  • Page ranking (improve individual page performance) 

If you’re looking to outsource your SEO, get in touch with SilverDisc and we’ll be happy to help and provide our expertise.