Can You Do SEO If You Don't Have A Blog?

Andy Pullen

5th August 2022

In terms of SEO, blogging can help increase your visibility in search engines and provides you with the perfect opportunity to target specific keywords that you may not be able to target with landing pages.  

Can you do SEO if you don’t have a blog? Well…the short answer is yes. Depending on the business, some may be set up for a sole purpose, and therefore do not require a blog. However, if you think about the bigger picture and the vast amount of benefits a blog can bring to your website, we feel it is crucial.  

Blog posts are great for improving your SEO by allowing you to target key questions or search terms that people are looking for and add extra information and detail to products. They can even position you and your company as industry leaders by answering questions from customers. 

Improving your SEO is going to drive more customers to your site, and if the content you’ve created is valuable, structured properly, and intended to drive conversions, it can be a valuable tool in your set.    

The importance of having a blog 

A blog post provides your website with a fresh new piece of content that otherwise would not have been readily available once a product page has been created. A product page’s primary purpose is to sell a product and other than a product description, content can be limited. A blog post enables you to talk about the product in much greater detail - its features and benefits, industry news, and reviews. Not only is the content you are creating beneficial for marketing your products, but it also has a much more profound effect on your SEO. 

A good search engine ranking is vitally important to the success of your business. Ranking highly will help your business gain the traffic needed to achieve company goals such as an increase in transactions, revenue and customers. In order to perform better in search results, it is vital to create content that is relevant to your audience. The best way to do this is to first perform keyword research to find out what search terms people use that are relevant to your products and services and start to publish content.   

If you have already performed keyword research and added relevant keywords to your homepage and landing pages but organic traffic is still low, chances are you either don’t have a blog or it has not been optimised properly for SEO. Another factor can be that competitors are ranking for the same keyword, and this is where blogging comes to the rescue. Blogging enables you to target long-tail keywords or go after popular keywords by publishing long-form content that not only benefits the user but will improve your SEO and drive traffic to your website. 

How a blog can benefit SEO 

As the famous saying goes, content is king. Landing pages and product pages do well to lay the foundations of product and service information, however, a blog enables you to create a vast amount of content that is informative and rich in keywords. These keywords can be either short or long-tail keywords, however, many companies make the mistake of focusing on short-tail keywords based on products and their popularity. A blog provides you with the tools needed to focus on long-tail keywords which cab be more specific and relevant to exactly what your customers are looking and searching for. 

No matter what industry your blog targets, understanding your audience and what they are searching for is key. The best way to do this is to perform keyword research. For blogs, it is always good practice to go after long-tail keywords that are more targeted and easier to rank for. Depending on the SEO keywords you have chosen to use, you can use various techniques to get high rankings, such as targeting relevant keywords, building a structure with internal links and utilising backlinks. For keyword best practices, read our blog post - 6 SEO Keyword Research Best Practices

For a website to rank highly on Google, it needs high-quality backlinks. A great way to obtain links and increase traffic is through blogging. Producing a quality blog post increases the chances of other bloggers linking to it. Rather than a product or services page, a blog post is much more informative and can quickly become a trusted source of information. Not only are backlinks important, but internal linking is also highly beneficial for SEO. Product descriptions provide a short snippet of product information, but within the product description, you can link to your blog - providing your customers with more detailed information such as more detail about its benefits, buying guides, how-to guides, and hints and tips for product usage. 

Does every website need a blog? 

It is down to personal preference whether you decide your website needs a blog. You may feel your business serves one purpose and therefore may not need a blog, which is entirely credible. However, if you have a website, adding a blog is highly recommended. There are so many advantages to having a blog. Publishing content regularly is a great way to improve your search ranking, share news and increase your website’s engagement. With minimal expense and effort, you can increase your traffic and foster relationships with customers. Great content will keep your customers engaged and keep them coming back for more.  

Every website’s aim is to increase traffic, which in turn will create an opportunity to convert that website traffic into leads. Adding a new blog post or reworking existing content presents an opportunity to generate new leads. A blog can greatly improve lead generation as simply adding calls-to-action on every blog post will help drive traffic to products or high revenue landing pages. Not only can a blog help to drive short-term results, but in the long run, creating engaging content is invaluable. Some of the best business blogs answer common questions and are a great mix of product and industry knowledge as well as a trusted resource for customers. 

Creating valuable and link-worthy content is key. From a practical standpoint, adding a blog to your website makes sense. Some businesses feel it may not suit their needs or be worthwhile but trust us, it is. It can help to increase website traffic, improve user experience and foster relationships with customers. This may well result in customers purchasing your products, in addition to recommending your business to others.  

If you would like help with your SEO and content, get in touch with SilverDisc