Inform Your Digital Marketing Strategy With Tools From Think With Google


23rd January 2019

Whether you are planning your digital marketing for the year, looking to expand your marketing into a new country or trying to gather data on your consumers, it’s important to consider the platforms at your disposal which can offer the level of insight you are looking for.

Think with Google provides you with a “Digital Marketing Toolbox”, packed full of Google insight tools, predominantly free of charge, so why wouldn’t you use it! The toolbox contains tools which, as Google explains, are “designed to help improve your brand’s marketing, web performance, analysis, digital experience and more.”

With over 10 tools and plenty of tips, tricks and hacks to help you with your digital marketing, Think with Google’s toolbox will help you to test your website, understand how your consumers are using the internet and allow you to stay on top of trends. Whether you’re selling B2B or B2C, products or services, this toolbox will have tools which can help you improve your businesses digital marketing presence.

Below I have highlighted my top 3 favourite tools:

Speed Scorecard

Compare your mobile site speed against your competitor’s domains with Google’s Speed Scorecard. With the ever increasing mobile-first approach front of mind for Google, amongst digital marketers and amongst consumers, it has become vital for your businesses website to perform well on mobile devices in order to remain competitive online.

With most visitors abandoning a mobile website if the page takes longer than a few seconds to load, having a slowly loading mobile web page can seriously impact conversion rates, and therefore the revenue generated by your website.

The Speed scorecard tool not only allows you to make comparisons between your website and competitors, but also indicates the potential impact that making site speed improvements can have on your business’s revenue.

Other speed related tools that you may find useful include: Test My Site and PageSpeed Insights.

Consumer Barometer

Google’s Consumer Barometer helps you to understand how your potential consumers use the internet across more than 45 countries.

If you are looking to expand the sale of your products or services into new countries, this tool will help you understand how your target market interacts with the internet. Understanding consumer behaviour from the consideration process to the point of purchase, across multiple devices and browsers, is an essential step when expanding online sales into new countries.

Whether you are looking for information on Internet Usage, Device Usage, Research Behaviour, Purchase Behaviour or more, the Consumer Barometer should be able to provide you with valuable insights. Aside from filtering by country, the Consumer Barometer also allows the filtering of statistics by Demographics, Internet Usage, Device usage and more.

The data you obtain from the Consumer Barometer will prove to be invaluable and can play a crucial role in informing your overall digital marketing strategy.

Other than the Consumer Barometer, the Google Surveys tool is another way to build reliable insight from potential consumers who are regularly using the internet and mobile devices.

Google Trends

From being able to plan advertising campaigns based on seasonal variances in search volume for specific keywords to finding related topics and queries to your chosen search terms, the Google Trends tool has many benefits.

The tool is configured to allow comparisons of search terms, which can be useful in working out where to spend when working to small and strict advertising budgets. Aside from Web Search, the tool also shows insights for Image Search, News Search, Google Shopping or YouTube Search.

If you happen to be selling products or services that have seasonal variances in sales volume, the Google Trends tool can be very helpful in anticipating search volumes throughout the year. This in turn allows the effective distribution of advertising budget throughout the year, in order to maximise returns on investment.

To see the full digital marketing toolbox, visit Think with Google.

If you need help creating and implementing your businesses digital marketing strategy based on the information readily available to you from Think with Google, please do not hesitate to call SilverDisc on 01536 316100 or contact us online today to speak to one of our digital marketing specialists.