Website Training

SilverDisc Blog

26th February 2015

With the majority of our sites being content managed by clients, the usability of the CMS is an important factor. When creating websites here at SilverDisc we like to develop with the client in mind. We want our clients to not only love their new website but to understand the way it works.

With some training and practice, it soon becomes natural to you. I remember my first week working with Drupal and how confusing things seemed to me. I think this helps me to relate with my clients and pass on my experience in an effective way.

Every new website we build comes with a client training session. This gives us a chance to demonstrate the site, maximising the client's understanding of adding and editing their content. It is also a good excuse to buy some cake!

I have been responsible for the training sessions for a few months now and although every session is different, I always look for common areas of confusion, so that we can improve the way sites are built or spend more time explaining this area in future training.

The best part of training for me is getting to use the whiteboard - who doesn’t love a whiteboard? Half an hour before the clients arrive, I will grab the board markers and make lots of scribbles outlining a plan for the session. It rarely gets followed exactly, but it is an important tool for me to ensure that all the necessary topics are covered.

Once the training session is over, we also provide our clients with website help documentation. When you are logged into your SilverDisc website, you can find the documentation through the link “SilverDisc Site Guide” on the Admin Bar at the top of the screen.