Tips For Scheduling Your Content Over Christmas

SilverDisc Blog

13th December 2013

Christmas is a busy time for everyone. Often business and family can clash and it's easy to let one eat into the time apportioned to the other. But with some clever scheduling you can get around this holiday headache, here are our tips:

Social Scheduling

Use a social scheduling service like Hootsuite for your social media. Ensure you've got a consistent theme or campaign throughout with regular postings on the same subject. While you might not have time to reply to everyone how you would like, you'll at least be presenting positive messages to your followers. Keep it light and, for once, try and limit interactions. We like this use of a Twitter hashtag: #YuleLaugh

Scheduled Sales

Are you having a sale on Boxing day? Naturally, you don't want to give the game away beforehand! Schedule site and social content around your "surprise" sale so it is ready to go on the day. Most blogging platforms offer a scheduling option where you can choose when a post is published and sent out to your social networks. If you're promoting it through email marketing then make sure you're set up and ready to go well before the event!

Make Sure You Don't Get Caught Short

If you run any kind of community you know how important it is for them to feel loved. This can mean little things like ensuring you're not still saying "Merry Christmas" on January 1st! If you can schedule the automatic changes to your site's content (usually a banner and logo amongst other things) then set it up. If not, make sure you have a reminder to quickly make these changes manually so that those of your community who do pop on during the post-Christmas period don't feel abandoned!

Opening Hours & The Last Post

If your business is client-facing whether it is through a call centre or through your store, make sure you're communicating your opening hours and when customers can expect a reply. Equally, if you have the last day for shipping in time for Christmas it's always worth sending out an extra reminder so as to ensure that you have no grumpy customers at your door while you're at home carving up a turkey!